Off the Wall is the fantastic new book from Theodore Taylor III that illustrates home and what it means to create yours. Sam and her family move from a big city to a small town. Immediately Sam feels dread and misses the streets of what was her hometown. I think kids of all ages who have had to move and change homes and schools will be able to relate to Sam. Moving into new surroundings can be scary and lonely. What I loved about this book is how Sam had a vivid dream that was trying to tell her something. When she wakes up, her cousin Lincoln is there and takes her to a place where groups of people are allowed to graffiti-just like the graffiti in her hometown. Only this graffiti is legal, and the building will be used for community activities for the people. I would love to see something like this in every town and city. It is a way for people of all ages, colors, races, and religions to get together and share a common bond-art. This book is great for children ages seven to twelve.
Off the Wall