Humans have been telling stories since the birth of humanity. There has always been a need to explain the unexplainable and help people understand their surroundings. Before we had written language, early civilizations were painting and carving the rock walls around them, depicting the stories they told. From the creation of our gods to the explanations of our beginnings, humankind has used art. These early images were the first fantasy stories. Cultures around the world still use art to portray these stories.
The Art of Fantasy is an excellent reference book dedicated to the art of the fantastical. Edited and curated by S. Elizabeth, this book features works of art depicting scenes from the stories, myths, lore, and legends told worldwide. The surrealists feature prominently in this book. Paintings by Salvador Dali, Leanora Carrington, and more are featured. As well as the symbolists and magical realists such as William Blake and John William Waterhouse. Each piece has a short and insightful description.
This is an excellent publication for those who run with the creatures of our dreams and play in the wonderlands of our imaginations.
The Art of Fantasy: A Visual Sourcebook of All That is Unreal (Art in the Margins)